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Board of Assessor Meeting Minutes 06/28/2010
June 28, 2010

4:30 PM                                                 STARBARD BUILDING

Members Present: Beverly Potvin Kenniston and James Dillon

1.  Acceptance of Minutes

Motion was made by Beverly Potvin Kenniston, and seconded by James Dillon.  It was voted to approve the minutes of the May 17, 2010 meeting.

2.   Real Estate Abatement Hearing

Brent N. Hiller of 141 Wachusett Street requested a review of an abatement denial.  Maria Hopkins, Appraiser, accompanied him.  Her appraisal report was reviewed along with comparable sales.  The assessors will re-inspect the property and review the abatement request.

3.   Miscellaneous Items

Miscellaneous Discussion Items

FY2011 Preliminary Tax Bills are being mailed on June 30, 2010.  First quarter tax bills will be due on Monday, August 2, 2010.

Sandra Nason was hired as Senior Clerk.  She began her duties on June 14th. Beverly Kenniston and Rosemary Johnson, Asst. Assessor/Data Collector will attend the Massachusetts Assessors’ School at the University of Massachusetts on August 8 to August 13.

The second and final Supplemental Tax Bills on New Construction for FY2010 will be prepared. Bills will include occupancy permits issued from January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010.

The next meeting of the Board of Assessors will be scheduled for
September 27, 2010.

Respectfully submitted:

Beverly Potvin Kenniston
APPROVED: ___09-27-2010______